Initially training has two categories; On-the-job training and Off-the-job training. This type of training can be in-house or external. There are different infrastructure can be used, like on-the-job, residential and training centres. There are both advantages and disadvantages for them. It is important to concentrate on that and to select the right one required for the training programme. A list of infrastructure and their advantages/ disadvantages suggested by Kruse et al. (1994) is attached as appendix ( IV ). Cole (1993) broke down off-the-job as external and in-company figure (2.8).
Figure (2.8): Different types of training methods (Cole 1993, p. 320)
Following are the widely used on-the-job training approaches.
a. GAFO (Go Away and Find Out).
b. Coaching.
c. Mentoring.
d. One-to-one instruction.
e. Computer-based training.
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