Woodruffe (1992, p. 17; cited by Bratton and Gold 1994) identified competency as a set of behaviour patterns. While as Boyatzis (1982; cited by Strebler and Bevan 1996) defined competency as an individual’s characteristic. According to Fletcher (1991; cited by Strebler and Bevan 1996), competency is the ability to perform tasks for the role. Though they argued while defining competency; but agreed on that competency has to have a standard for the role and it should lead to perform the tasks of the job role.
Heery and Noon (2001) defined competency as gaining skills and talents to a certain standard to perform a task. They stated two types of competency. One, behaviour based competencies that help to effective job performance and another, work based competencies which are the skills and abilities to perform a job to a specific standard.
Descy and Tessaring (2001) said that ‘broad occupational competences’ is a set of specific occupational profiles. It is bonded like a chain of tasks in a work process and other different levels of occupational practices. This kind of ‘broad occupational competence’ covers some areas which may not be related to specific occupational tasks. Rey puts forward idea of competence as “the ability possessed by human beings to adjust acts and words in accordance with an infinite number of new situations” (Rey 1996, p. 46; cited by Descy and Tessaring 2001, p. 119).
Style and requirements of jobs are changing, so the requirement of qualifications. According to Bertrand (1997; cited by Descy and Tessaring 2001) the concept of competences needs to meet updating knowledge, broader concept of work environment and adaptability and includes new ‘non-technical’ skills. It is important to focus on how these can be identified, achieved, assessed. Another important issue is to select the area of competences. Competences need to be achieved to perform the tasks; task should not be changed to fit the competence.
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