Sunday, August 21, 2011

TNA Process

It is important to assess the following two questions continuously (Bee and Bee 1994):
a.       What performance changes needed to meet the business needs?
b.      Whether those performance changes best met by a training intervention?

Stages in the Analysis of Training Needs

Employees need to perform different things or to do things differently (The Training Support Unit and Branch 6 (TSD) HM Customs & Excise Training Service Division 1992). When it become necessary to create a new job or/ and to bring change into an existing job or/ and to add new things to an existing job, ‘different things’ needed to be done. On the other hand,  when new procedures, new working practices, new rules/ legislation/ policy, new targets, new specific problems (present or future) occurs, things needed to be done differently, i.e. present jobs needed to be done in different way.
Kruse et al. (1994) suggested a systematic way to carry out TNA. They said to select the Objectives and Scope for TNA, to carry out task analysis, collect information from different sources, to interpret data and information, to identify the needs or/ and causes and priorities. Bee and Bee (1994) suggested that precisely specified training needs leads more focused training. It will ensure training in a cost-effective way. In this process job specification is the starting point of needs analysis.

Training Needs for Doing Different Things

To perform TNA for doing different things, areas like job specification, different information sources for training needs, task analysis, training gap etc need to be discussed.
Training Needs Assessment (Techniques in Training and Performance Development Series)Training Needs Assessment - Step by Step HelpcardA Practical Guide to Needs Assessment (Essential Knowledge Resource)Needs Assessment Basics (ASTD Training Basics)A Practical Guide to Needs Assessment (Essential Knowledge Resource)


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